This page includes information that may not reflect the current views and values of the Penn Museum.

We wish to acknowledge Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Maslow for their generosity in providing part of the funding for the creation of this website.

The technical assistance of Zachary Christman, Dr. William Fitts, and John Marston was also much appreciated.

Photographic Credits:

La Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vatican Ctiy
Biblioteca Medicia Laurenziana, Florence
The British Library
Christlich-archaologisches Seminar, Universitat Bonn
Copyright British Museum
William Fitts, MASCA
The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
Musee National d'Histoire et d'Art, Luxembourg
Osterreichische National Bibliothek, Vienna
Frank Sear, University of Melbourne
Rheinischen Landesmuseum Trier
Soprintendenza archaeologica della province di Napoli
University of Pennsylvania Museum
Francois Wible, Recherches Archeologiques de Martigny

Line art by Veronica Socha, Philadelphia

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